Home Customizable Multicolor Acrylic Plate


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Home Customizable Multicolor Acrylic Name Plate

  1. Imported cast acrylic is used in making the same. Cutting is done through Laser technology.
  2. A white color sheet is used on base through which the light passes and black color sheet is placed on top of the plate.
  3. LED used in the name plate has a longer life & not easily be damaged.
  4. Holes will be done on the plate, studs & screws will be provided for installation along with the plate.
  5. The design is 100 % customizable. Yellow and White color LEDs have been currently used in the plate.
  6. The plate is sealed from all corners, making it completely safe to be placed outside the house. This plate will not be damaged by rain/water/sunlight/termite/rust.

This is a LED nameplate. Size – 16 x 6 INCHES.


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